evam sa niscitya ripoh sariram
adhavato nirvivise surendra
tat-prana-randhrena vivigna-cetah
evamin this way; sahHe (Lord Visnu); niscityadeciding; ripohof the enemy; sariramthe body; adhavatahwho was running after Him with great force; nirviviseentered; asura-indraO King of the demons (Maharaja Bali); svasa-anilathrough the breathing; antarhitainvisible; suksma-dehahin his finer body; tat-prana-randhrenathrough the hole of the nostril; vivigna-cetahbeing very anxious.
Lord Vamanadeva continued: O King of the demons, after Lord Visnu made this decision, He entered the body of His enemy Hiranyakasipu, who was running after Him with great force. In a subtle body inconceivable to Hiranyakasipu, Lord Visnu, who was in great anxiety, entered Hiranyakasipus nostril along with his breath.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is already in the core of everyones heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese rjuna tisthati (Bg. 18.61). Logically, therefore, it was not at all difficult for Lord Visnu to enter Hiranyakasipus body. The word vivigna-cetah, very anxious, is significant. It is not that Lord Visnu was afraid of Hiranyakasipu; rather, because of compassion, Lord Visnu was in anxiety about how to act for his welfare.
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