mukta-vitanair mani-hema-ketubhir
nana-pataka-valabhibhir avrtam
mukta-vitanaihby canopies decorated with pearls; mani-hema-ketubhihwith flags made with pearls and gold; nana-patakapossessing various kinds of flags; valabhibhihwith the domes of the palaces; avrtamcovered; sikhandiof birds like peacocks; paravatapigeons; bhrngabees; naditamvibrated by the respective sounds; vaimanikagetting on airplanes; striof women; kala-gitafrom the choral singing; mangalamfull of auspiciousness.
The city was shaded by canopies decorated with pearls, and the domes of the palaces had flags of pearl and gold. The city always resounded with the vibrations of peacocks, pigeons and bees, and above the city flew airplanes full of beautiful women who constantly chanted auspicious songs that were very pleasing to the ear.
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