TEXTS 1516
galavo diptiman ramo
drona-putrah krpas tatha
rsyasrngah pitasmakam
bhagavan badarayanah
ime saptarsayas tatra
bhavisyanti sva-yogatah
idanim asate rajan
sve sva asrama-mandale
galavahGalava; diptimanDiptiman; ramahParasurama; drona-putrahthe son of Dronacarya, namely Asvatthama; krpahKrpacarya; tathaas well; rsyasrngahRsyasrnga; pita asmakamour father; bhagavanthe incarnation of Godhead; badarayanahVyasadeva; imeall of them; sapta-rsayahthe seven sages; tatrain the eighth manvantara; bhavisyantiwill become; sva-yogatahas a result of their service to the Lord; idanimat the present moment; asatethey are all existing; rajanO King; sve svein their own; asrama-mandaledifferent hermitages.
O King, during the eighth manvantara, the great personalities Galava, Diptiman, Parasurama, Asvatthama, Krpacarya, Rsyasrnga and our father, Vyasadeva, the incarnation of Narayana, will be the seven sages. For the present, they are all residing in their respective asramas.
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