so ham vikatthamanasya
sirah kayad dharami te
gopayeta haris tvadya
yas te saranam ipsitam
sahhe; ahamI; vikatthamanasyawho are speaking such nonsense; sirahthe head; kayatfrom the body; haramiI shall take away; teof you; gopayetalet Him protect; harihthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; tvayou; adyanow; yahHe who; teyour; saranamprotector; ipsitamdesired.
Because you are speaking so much nonsense, I shall now sever your head from your body. Now let me see your most worshipable God come to protect you. I want to see it.
Demons always think that the God of the devotees is fictitious. They think that there is no God and that the so-called religious feeling of devotion to God is but an opiate, a kind of illusion, like the illusions derived from LSD and opium. Hiranyakasipu did not believe Prahlada Maharaja when Prahlada asserted that his Lord is present everywhere. Because Hiranyakasipu, as a typical demon, was convinced that there is no God and that no one could protect Prahlada, he felt encouraged to kill his son. He challenged the idea that the devotee is always protected by the Supreme Lord.
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