prayase pahate tasmin
daityendrah parisankitah
cakara tad-vadhopayan
nirbandhena yudhisthira
prayasewhen the endeavor; apahatefutile; tasminthat; daitya-indrahthe King of the demons, Hiranyakasipu; parisankitahvery much afraid (considering how the boy was protected); cakaraexecuted; tat-vadha-upayanvarious means for killing him; nirbandhenawith determination; yudhisthiraO King Yudhisthira.
My dear King Yudhisthira, when all the attempts of the demons to kill Prahlada Maharaja were futile, the King of the demons, Hiranyakasipu, being most fearful, began contriving other means to kill him.
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