sri-narada uvaca
gurunaivam pratiprokto
bhuya ahasurah sutam
na ced guru-mukhiyam te
kuto bhadrasati matih
sri-naradah uvacaNarada Muni said; gurunaby the teacher; evamthus; pratiproktahbeing answered; bhuyahagain; ahasaid; asurahthe great demon, Hiranyakasipu; sutamunto his son; nanot; cetif; guru-mukhiissued from the mouth of your teacher; iyamthis; teyour; kutahfrom where; abhadraO inauspicious one; asativery bad; matihinclination.
Sri Narada Muni continued: When Hiranyakasipu received this reply from the teacher, he again addressed his son Prahlada. Hiranyakasipu said: You rascal, most fallen of our family, if you have not received this education from your teachers, where have you gotten it?
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains that devotional service is actually bhadra sati, not abhadra asati. In other words, knowledge of devotional service can be neither inauspicious nor contrary to etiquette. To learn devotional service is the duty of everyone. Therefore the spontaneous education of Prahlada Maharaja is supported as auspicious and perfect.

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