aropyankam avaghraya
murdhany asru-kalambubhih
asincan vikasad-vaktram
idam aha yudhisthira
aropyaplacing; ankamon the lap; avaghraya murdhanismelling his head; asruof tears; kala-ambubhihwith water from drops; asincanmoistening; vikasat-vaktramhis smiling face; idamthis; ahasaid; yudhisthiraO Maharaja Yudhisthira.
Narada Muni continued: My dear King Yudhisthira, Hiranyakasipu seated Prahlada Maharaja on his lap and began smelling his head. With affectionate tears gliding down from his eyes and moistening the childs smiling face, he spoke to his son as follows.
If a child or disciple falls at the feet of the father or spiritual master, the superior responds by smelling the head of the subordinate.

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