kvacid utpulakas tusnim
aste samsparsa-nirvrtah
kvacitsometimes; utpulakahwith the hairs of his body standing on end; tusnimcompletely silent; asteremains; samsparsa-nirvrtahfeeling great joy by contact with the Lord; aspandasteady; pranaya-anandadue to transcendental bliss from a relationship of love; salilafilled with tears; amilitahalf-closed; iksanahwhose eyes.
Sometimes, feeling the touch of the Lords lotus hands, he became spiritually jubilant and remained silent, his hairs standing on end and tears gliding down from his half-closed eyes because of his love for the Lord.
When a devotee feels separation from the Lord, he becomes eager to see where the Lord is, and sometimes when he feels pangs of separation, tears flow incessantly from his half-closed eyes. As stated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His Siksastaka, yugayitam nimesena caksusa pravrsayitam. The words caksusa pravrsayitam refer to tears falling incessantly from the devotees eyes. These symptoms, which appear in pure devotional ecstasy, were visible in the body of Prahlada Maharaja.
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