evam labdha-varo daityo
bibhrad dhemamayam vapuh
bhagavaty akarod dvesam
bhratur vadham anusmaran
evamthus; labdha-varahhaving obtained his desired boon; daityahHiranyakasipu; bibhratacquiring; hema-mayampossessing the luster of gold; vapuha body; bhagavatiunto Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; akarotmaintained; dvesamenvy; bhratuh vadhamthe killing of his brother; anusmaranalways thinking of.
The demon Hiranyakasipu, having thus been blessed by Lord Brahma and having acquired a lustrous golden body, continued to remember the death of his brother and therefore be envious of Lord Visnu.
A demoniac person, in spite of acquiring all the opulences possible to obtain in this universe, continues to be envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
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