tena tapta divam tyaktva
brahmalokam yayuh surah
dhatre vijnapayam asur
deva-deva jagat-pate
daityendra-tapasa tapta
divi sthatum na saknumah
tenaby that (fire of austerity); taptahburned; divamtheir residential quarters in the upper planets; tyaktvagiving up; brahma-lokamto the planet where Lord Brahma lives; yayuhwent; surahthe demigods; dhatreunto the chief of this universe, Lord Brahma; vijnapayam asuhsubmitted; deva-devaO chief of the demigods; jagat-pateO master of the universe; daitya-indra-tapasaby the severe austerity performed by the King of the Daityas, Hiranyakasipu; taptahroasted; divion the heavenly planets; sthatumto stay; nanot; saknumahwe are able.
Scorched and extremely disturbed because of Hiranyakasipus severe penances, all the demigods left the planets where they reside and went to the planet of Lord Brahma, where they informed the creator as follows: O lord of the demigods, O master of the universe, because of the fire emanating from Hiranyakasipus head as a result of his severe austerities, we have become so disturbed that we could not stay in our planets but have come to you.

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