santustah kena va rajan
na vartetapi varina
grha-palayate janah
santustaha person who is always self-satisfied; kenawhy; vaor; rajanO King; nanot; vartetashould live (happily); apieven; varinaby drinking water; aupasthyadue to the genitals; jaihvyaand the tongue; karpanyatbecause of a wretched or miserly condition; grha-palayatehe becomes exactly like a household dog; janahsuch a person.
My dear King, a self-satisfied person can be happy even with only drinking water. However, one who is driven by the senses, especially by the tongue and genitals, must accept the position of a household dog to satisfy his senses.
According to the sastras, a brahmana, or a cultured person in Krsna consciousness, will not enter anyones service to maintain body and soul together, and especially not for satisfaction of the senses. A true brahmana is always satisfied. Even if he has nothing to eat, he can drink a little water and be satisfied. This is only a matter of practice. Unfortunately, however, no one is educated in how to be satisfied in self-realization. As explained above, a devotee is always satisfied because he feels the presence of the Supersoul within his heart and thinks of Him twenty-four hours a day. That is real satisfaction. A devotee is never driven by the dictations of the tongue and genitals, and thus he is never victimized by the laws of material nature.
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