deva-gurv-acyute bhaktis
astikyam udyamo nityam
naipunyam vaisya-laksanam
deva-guru-acyuteunto the demigods, the spiritual master and Lord Visnu; bhaktihengagement in devotional service; tri-vargaof the three principles of pious life (religion, economic development and sense gratification); pariposanamexecution; astikyamfaith in the scriptures, the spiritual master and the Supreme Lord; udyamahactive; nityamwithout cessation, continuously; naipunyamexpertise; vaisya-laksanamthe symptoms of a vaisya.
Being always devoted to the demigods, the spiritual master and the Supreme Lord, Visnu; endeavoring for advancement in religious principles, economic development and sense gratification [dharma, artha and kama]; believing in the words of the spiritual master and scripture; and always endeavoring with expertise in earning moneythese are the symptoms of the vaisya.
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