sarvatmana na himsanti
bhuta-gramesu kincana
uccavacesu daityendra
sarva-atmanain all respects, even in the modes of anger and jealousy; nanever; himsantithey are envious; bhuta-gramesuamong all species of life; kincanatoward any one of them; ucca-avacesuthe lower and higher living entities; daitya-indraO my dear Prahlada, King of the Daityas; mat-bhavabecause of devotional service unto Me; vigatagiven up; sprhahall material modes of anger and greed.
My dear Prahlada, King of the Daityas, because of being attached to devotional service to Me, My devotee does not distinguish between lower and higher living entities. In all respects, he is never jealous of anyone.
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