surabher mahisa gavo
ye canye dvisapha nrpa
tamrayah syena-grdhradya
muner apsarasam ganah
surabhehfrom the womb of Surabhi; mahisahbuffalo; gavahcows; yewho; caalso; anyeothers; dvi-saphahhaving cloven hooves; nrpaO King; tamrayahfrom Tamra; syenaeagles; grdhra-adyahvultures and so on; munehfrom Muni; apsarasamof angels; ganahthe groups.
My dear King Pariksit, from the womb of Surabhi the buffalo, cow and other animals with cloven hooves took birth, from the womb of Tamra the eagles, vultures and other large birds of prey took birth, and from the womb of Muni the angels took birth.
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