tasya adhisvarah saksat
tvam eva purusah parah
tvam sarva-yajna ijyeyam
kriyeyam phala-bhug bhavan
tasyahof her; adhisvarahthe master; saksatdirectly; tvamYou; evacertainly; purusahthe person; parahsupreme; tvamYou; sarva-yajnahpersonified sacrifice; ijyaworship; iyamthis (Laksmi); kriyaactivities; iyamthis; phala-bhukthe enjoyer of the fruits; bhavanYou.
My Lord, You are the master of energy, and therefore You are the Supreme Person. You are sacrifice [yajna] personified. Laksmi, the embodiment of spiritual activities, is the original form of worship offered unto You, whereas You are the enjoyer of all sacrifices.
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