yuvam tu visvasya vibhu
jagatah karanam param
iyam hi prakrtih suksma
maya-saktir duratyaya
yuvamboth of you; tuindeed; visvasyaof the universe; vibhuthe proprietors; jagatahof the universe; karanamthe cause; paramsupreme; iyamthis; hicertainly; prakrtihenergy; suksmadifficult to understand; maya-saktihthe internal energy; duratyayadifficult to overcome.
My Lord Visnu and mother Laksmi, goddess of fortune, you are the proprietors of the entire creation. Indeed, you are the cause of the creation. Mother Laksmi is extremely difficult to understand because she is so powerful that the jurisdiction of her power is difficult to overcome. Mother Laksmi is represented in the material world as the external energy, but actually she is always the internal energy of the Lord.
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