sri-kasyapa uvaca
varam varaya vamoru
pritas te ham anindite
striya bhartari suprite
kah kama iha cagamah
sri-kasyapah uvacaKasyapa Muni said; varambenediction; varayaask; vamoruO beautiful woman; pritahpleased; tewith you; ahamI; aninditeO irreproachable lady; striyahfor the woman; bhartariwhen the husband; su-pritepleased; kahwhat; kamahdesire; ihahere; caand; agamahdifficult to obtain.
Kasyapa Muni said: O beautiful woman, O irreproachable lady, since I am very much pleased by your behavior, you may ask me for any benediction you want. If a husband is pleased, what desires are difficult for his wife to obtain, either in this world or in the next?

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