sri-bhagavan uvaca
om namo bhagavate maha-purusaya sarva-guna-sankhyanayanantayavyaktaya nama iti.
sri-bhagavan uvacathe most powerful Lord Siva says; om namo bhagavateO Supreme Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; maha-purusayawho are the Supreme person; sarva-guna-sankhyanayathe reservoir of all transcendental qualities; anantayathe unlimited; avyaktayanot manifested within the material world; namahmy respectful obeisances; itithus.
The most powerful Lord Siva says: O Supreme Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You in Your expansion as Lord Sankarsana. You are the reservoir of all transcendental qualities. Although You are unlimited, You remain unmanifest to the nondevotees.

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