yat-prinanad barhisi deva-tiryan-
manusya-virut-trnam avirincat
priyeta sadyah sa ha visva-jivah
pritah svayam pritim agad gayasya
yat-prinanatbecause of pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead; barhisiin the sacrificial arena; deva-tiryakthe demigods and lower animals; manusyahuman society; virutthe plants and trees; trnamthe grass; a-virincatbeginning from Lord Brahma; priyetabecomes satisfied; sadyahimmediately; sahthat Supreme Personality of Godhead; haindeed; visva-jivahmaintains the living entities all over the universe; pritahalthough naturally satisfied; svayampersonally; pritimsatisfaction; agathe obtained; gayasyaof Maharaja Gaya.
When the Supreme Lord is pleased by a persons actions, automatically all the demigods, human beings, animals, birds, bees, creepers, trees, grass and all other living entities, beginning with Lord Brahma, are pleased. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supersoul of everyone, and He is by nature fully pleased. Nonetheless, He came to the arena of Maharaja Gaya and said, I am fully pleased.
It is explicitly stated herein that simply by satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one satisfies the demigods and all other living entities without differentiation. If one pours water on the root of a tree, all the branches, twigs, flowers and leaves are nourished. Although the Supreme Lord is self-satisfied, He was so pleased with the behavior of Maharaja Gaya that He personally came to the sacrificial arena and said, I am fully satisfied. Who can compare to Maharaja Gaya?
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