kvacic chita-vatady-aneka-daivika-bhautikatmiyanam duhkhanam pratinivarane kalpo duranta-visaya-visanna aste.
kvacitsometimes; sita-vata-adisuch as extreme cold or wind; anekamany; daivikaoffered by the demigods or powers beyond our control; bhautikaoffered by other living entities; atmiyanamoffered by the conditioned material body and mind; duhkhanamthe many miseries; pratinivaranein counteracting; akalpahbeing unable; durantainsurmountable; visayafrom connection with sense gratification; visannahmorose; astehe remains.
The conditioned soul suffers many miserable bodily conditions, such as being affected by severe cold and strong winds. He also suffers due to the activities of other living beings and due to natural disturbances. When he is unable to counteract them and has to remain in a miserable condition, he naturally becomes very morose because he wants to enjoy material facilities.
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