jambu-plaksa-salmali-kusa-kraunca-saka-puskara-samjnas tesam parimanam purvasmat purvasmad uttara uttaro yatha-sankhyam dvi-guna-manena bahih samantata upaklptah.
jambuJambu; plaksaPlaksa; salmaliSalmali; kusaKusa; krauncaKraunca; sakaSaka; puskaraPuskara; samjnahknown as; tesamof them; parimanammeasurement; purvasmat purvasmatfrom the former; uttarah uttarahthe following; yathaaccording to; sankhyamnumber; dvi-gunatwice as much; manenawith a measure; bahihoutside; samantatahall around; upaklptahproduced.
The names of the islands are Jambu, Plaksa, Salmali, Kusa, Kraunca, Saka and Puskara. Each island is twice as large as the one preceding it, and each is surrounded by a liquid substance, beyond which is the next island.
The ocean in each planetary system has a different type of liquid. How they are situated is explained in the next verse.
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