lalyamanam janair evam
dhruvam sabhrataram nrpah
aropya karinim hrstah
stuyamano visat puram
lalyamanambeing thus praised; janaihby the people in general; evamthus; dhruvamMaharaja Dhruva; sa-bhrataramwith his brother; nrpahthe King; aropyaplacing; karinimon the back of a she-elephant; hrstahbeing so pleased; stuyamanahand being so praised; avisatreturned; puramto his capital.
The sage Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, when everyone was thus praising Dhruva Maharaja, the King was very happy, and he had Dhruva and his brother seated on the back of a she-elephant. Thus he returned to his capital, where he was praised by all classes of men.
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