ahvayantam ivoddhastair
dvijan kama-dughair drumaih
vrajantam iva matangair
grnantam iva nirjharaih
ahvayantamcalling; ivaas if; ut-hastaihwith upraised hands (branches); dvijanthe birds; kama-dughaihyielding desires; drumaihwith trees; vrajantammoving; ivaas if; matangaihby elephants; grnantamresounding; ivaas if; nirjharaihby the waterfalls.
There are tall trees with straight branches that appear to call the sweet birds, and when herds of elephants pass through the hills, it appears that the Kailasa Hill moves with them. When the waterfalls resound, it appears that Kailasa Hill does also.
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