ajnapta evam kupitena manyuna
sa deva-devam paricakrame vibhum
mene-tadatmanam asanga-ramhasa
mahiyasam tata sahah sahisnum
ajnaptahbeing ordered; evamin this manner; kupitenaangry; manyunaby Lord Siva (who is anger personified); sahhe (Virabhadra); deva-devamhe who is worshiped by the demigods; paricakramecircumambulated; vibhumLord Siva; meneconsidered; tadaat that time; atmanamhimself; asanga-ramhasawith the power of Lord Siva that cannot be opposed; mahiyasamof the most powerful; tatamy dear Vidura; sahahstrength; sahisnumcapable of coping with.
Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, that black person was the personified anger of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he was prepared to execute the orders of Lord Siva. Thus, considering himself capable of coping with any power offered against him, he circumambulated Lord Siva.
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