na veda-vadan anuvartate matih
sva eva loke ramato maha-muneh
yatha gatir deva-manusyayoh prthak
sva eva dharme na param ksipet sthitah
nanot; veda-vadanrules and regulations of the Vedas; anuvartatefollow; matihthe mind; svein his own; evacertainly; lokein the self; ramatahenjoying; maha-munehof elevated transcendentalists; yathaas; gatihthe way; deva-manusyayohof the men and the demigods; prthakseparately; svein your own; evaalone; dharmeoccupational duty; nanot; paramanother; ksipetshould criticize; sthitahbeing situated.
It is better to execute ones own occupational duty than to criticize others. Elevated transcendentalists may sometimes forgo the rules and regulations of the Vedas, since they do not need to follow them, just as the demigods travel in space whereas ordinary men travel on the surface of the earth.
The behavior of the most elevated transcendentalist and that of the most fallen conditioned soul appears to be the same. The elevated transcendentalist can surpass all the regulations of the Vedas, just as the demigods traveling in space surpass all the jungles and rocks on the surface of the globe, although a common man, who has no such ability to travel in space, has to face all those impediments. Although the most dear Lord Siva appears not to observe all the rules and regulations of the Vedas, he is not affected by such disobedience, but a common man who wants to imitate Lord Siva is mistaken. A common man must observe all the rules and regulations of the Vedas which a person who is in the transcendental position does not need to observe. Daksa found fault with Lord Siva for not observing all the strict rules and regulations of the Vedas, but Sati asserted that he had no need to observe such rules. It is said that for one who is powerful like the sun or the fire, there is no consideration of purity or impurity. The sunshine can sterilize an impure place, whereas if someone else were to pass such a place he would be affected. One should not try to imitate Lord Siva; rather, one should strictly follow ones prescribed occupational duties. One should never vilify a great personality like Lord Siva.
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