tat te niriksyo na pitapi deha-krd
dakso mama dvit tad-anuvratas ca ye
yo visvasrg-yajna-gatam varoru mam
anagasam durvacasakarot tirah
tattherefore; teyour; niriksyahto be seen; nanot; pitayour father; apialthough; deha-krtthe giver of your body; daksahDaksa; mamamy; dvitenvious; tat-anuvratahhis (Daksas) followers; caalso; yewho; yahwho (Daksa); visva-srkof the Visvasrks; yajna-gatambeing present at the sacrifice; vara-uruO Sati; mamme; anagasambeing innocent; durvacasawith cruel words; akarot tirahhas insulted.
Therefore you should not see your father, although he is the giver of your body, because he and his followers are envious of me. Because of his envy, O most worshipful one, he has insulted me with cruel words although I am innocent.
For a woman, both the husband and the father are equally worshipable. The husband is the protector of a woman during her youthful life, whereas the father is her protector during her childhood. Thus both are worshipable, but especially the father because he is the giver of the body. Lord Siva reminded Sati, Your father is undoubtedly worshipable, even more than I am, but take care, for although he is the giver of your body, he may also be the taker of your body because when you see your father, because of your association with me, he may insult you. An insult from a relative is worse than death, especially when one is well situated.
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