tan me prasidedam amartya vanchitam
kartum bhavan karuniko batarhati
tvayatmano rdhe ham adabhra-caksusa
nirupita manugrhana yacitah
tattherefore; meunto me; prasidaplease be kind; idamthis; amartyaO immortal lord; vanchitamdesire; kartumto do; bhavanYour Honor; karunikahkind; bataO lord; arhatiis able; tvayaby you; atmanahof your own body; ardhein the half; ahamI; adabhra-caksusahaving all knowledge; nirupitaam situated; mato me; anugrhanaplease show kindness; yacitahrequested.
O immortal Siva, please be kind towards me and fulfill my desire. You have accepted me as half of your body; therefore please show kindness towards me and accept my request.

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