panca-sirsahina guptam
pratiharena sarvatah
anvesamanam rsabham
apraudham kama-rupinim
pancafive; sirsaheads; ahinaby a snake; guptamprotected; pratiharenaby a bodyguard; sarvatahall around; anvesamanamone who is searching after; rsabhama husband; apraudhamnot very old; kama-rupinimvery attractive to fulfill lusty desires.
The woman was protected on all sides by a five-hooded snake. She was very beautiful and young, and she appeared very anxious to find a suitable husband.
The vital force of a living entity includes the five kinds of air working within the body, which are known as prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana. The vital force is compared to a serpent because a serpent can live by simply drinking air. The vital force carried by the air is described as the pratihara, or the bodyguard. Without the vital force one cannot live for a moment. Indeed, all the senses are working under the protection of the vital force.
The woman, who represents intelligence, was searching after a husband. This indicates that intelligence cannot act without consciousness. A beautiful woman is useless unless protected by the proper husband. Intelligence must always be very fresh; therefore the word apraudham (very young) is used here. Material enjoyment means utilizing the intelligence for the sake of rupa, rasa, gandha, sabda and sparsa, or form, taste, smell, sound and touch.

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