vidura uvaca
so bhisiktah prthur viprair
bibhrat sa vaisnavam tejo
bahvor yabhyam dudoha gam
vidurah uvacaVidura said; sahhe (King Prthu); abhisiktahwhen enthroned; prthuhKing Prthu; vipraihby the great sages and brahmanas; labdhaachieved; asesainnumerable; sura-arhanahpresentations by the demigods; bibhratexpanding; sahhe; vaisnavamwho has received through Lord Visnu; tejahstrength; bahvoharms; yabhyamby which; dudohaexploited; gamthe earth.
Vidura said: My dear brahmana Maitreya, it is very enlightening to understand that King Prthu was enthroned by the great sages and brahmanas. All the demigods presented him with innumerable gifts, and he also expanded his influence upon personally receiving strength from Lord Visnu. Thus he greatly developed the earth.
Because Prthu Maharaja was an empowered incarnation of Lord Visnu and was naturally a great Vaisnava devotee of the Lord, all the demigods were pleased with him and presented different gifts to help him in exercising his royal power, and the great sages and saintly persons also joined in his coronation. Thus blessed by them, he ruled over the earth and exploited its resources for the greatest satisfaction of the people in general. This has already been explained in the previous chapters regarding the activities of King Prthu. As will be apparent from the next verse, every executive head of state should follow in the footsteps of Maharaja Prthu in ruling over his kingdom. Regardless of whether the chief executive is a king or president, or whether the government is monarchical or democratic, this process is so perfect that if it is followed, everyone will become happy, and thus it will be very easy for all to execute devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

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