maitreya uvaca
pura visva-srjam satre
sametah paramarsayah
tathamara-ganah sarve
sanuga munayo gnayah
maitreyah uvacathe sage Maitreya said; puraformerly (at the time of Svayambhuva Manu); visva-srjamof the creators of the universe; satreat a sacrifice; sametahwere assembled; parama-rsayahthe great sages; tathaand also; amara-ganahthe demigods; sarveall; sa-anugahalong with their followers; munayahthe philosophers; agnayahthe fire-gods.
The sage Maitreya said: In a former time, the leaders of the universal creation performed a great sacrifice in which all the great sages, philosophers, demigods and fire-gods assembled with their followers.
Upon being asked by Vidura, the sage Maitreya began to explain the cause of the misunderstanding between Lord Siva and Daksa, because of which the goddess Sati gave up her body. Thus begins the history of a great sacrifice performed by the leaders of the universal creation, namely Marici, Daksa and Vasistha. These great personalities arranged for a great sacrifice, for which demigods like Indra and the fire-gods assembled with their followers. Lord Brahma and Lord Siva were also present.
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