vayam tv avidita loke
sutadyapi varimabhih
karmabhih katham atmanam
gapayisyama balavat
vayamwe; tuthen; aviditahnot famous; lokein the world; suta-adyaO persons headed by the suta; apijust now; varimabhihgreat, praiseworthy; karmabhihby actions; kathamhow; atmanamunto myself; gapayisyamaI shall engage you in offering; balavatlike children.
King Prthu continued: My dear devotees, headed by the suta, just now I am not very famous for my personal activities because I have not done anything praiseworthy you could glorify. Therefore how could I engage you in praising my activities exactly like children?
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Fourth Canto, Fifteenth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled King Prthus Appearance and Coronation.

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