pura maya proktam ajaya nabhye
padme nisannaya mamadi-sarge
jnanam param man-mahimavabhasam
yat surayo bhagavatam vadanti
purain the days of yore; mayaby Me; proktamwas said; ajayaunto Brahma; nabhyeout of the navel; padmeon the lotus; nisannayaunto the one situated on; mamaMy; adi-sargein the beginning of creation; jnanamknowledge; paramsublime; mat-mahimaMy transcendental glories; avabhasamthat which clarifies; yatwhich; surayahthe great learned sages; bhagavatamSrimad-Bhagavatam; vadantido say.
O Uddhava, in the lotus millennium in the days of yore, at the beginning of the creation, I spoke unto Brahma, who is situated on the lotus that grows out of My navel, about My transcendental glories, which the great sages describe as Srimad-Bhagavatam.
The explanation of the Supreme Self, as given to Brahma and already explained in the Second Canto of this great literature, is further clarified herein. The Lord said that the concise form of Srimad-Bhagavatam as explained to Brahma was meant to elucidate His personality. The impersonal explanation of those four verses in the Second Canto is nullified herewith. Sridhara Svami also explains in this connection that the same concise form of the Bhagavatam concerned the pastimes of Lord Krsna and was never meant for impersonal indulgence.
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