maitreya uvaca
nirveda-vadinim evam
manor duhitaram munih
dayaluh salinim aha
suklabhivyahrtam smaran
maitreyahthe great sage Maitreya; uvacasaid; nirveda-vadinimwho was speaking words full of renunciation; evamthus; manohof Svayambhuva Manu; duhitaramto the daughter; munihthe sage Kardama; dayaluhmerciful; salinimwho was worthy of praise; ahareplied; suklaby Lord Visnu; abhivyahrtamwhat was said; smaranrecalling.
Recalling the words of Lord Visnu, the merciful sage Kardama replied as follows to Svayambhuva Manus praiseworthy daughter, Devahuti, who was speaking words full of renunciation.
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