bhusanani parardhyani
variyamsi dyumanti ca
annam sarva-gunopetam
panam caivamrtasavam
bhusananiornaments; para-ardhyanimost valuable; variyamsivery excellent; dyumantisplendid; caand; annamfood; sarva-gunaall good qualities; upetamcontaining; panambeverages; caand; evaalso; amrtasweet; asavamintoxicating.
They then decorated her with very excellent and valuable jewels, which shone brightly. Next they offered her food containing all good qualities, and a sweet, inebriating drink called asavam.
Asavam is an Ayur-vedic medical preparation; it is not a liquor. It is especially made from drugs and is meant to improve metabolism for the healthy condition of the body.
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