udyatasya hi kamasya
prativado na sasyate
api nirmukta-sangasya
kama-raktasya kim punah
udyatasyawhich has come of itself; hiin fact; kamasyaof material desire; prativadahthe denial; nanot; sasyateto be praised; apieven; nirmuktaof one who is free; sangasyafrom attachment; kamato sensual pleasures; raktasyaof one addicted; kim punahhow much less.
To deny an offering that has come of itself is not commendable even for one absolutely free from all attachment, much less one addicted to sensual pleasure.
In material life everyone is desirous of sense gratification; therefore, a person who gets an object of sense gratification without endeavor should not refuse to accept it. Kardama Muni was not meant for sense gratification, yet he aspired to marry and prayed to the Lord for a suitable wife. This was known to Svayambhuva Manu. He indirectly convinced Kardama Muni: You desire a suitable wife like my daughter, and she is now present before you. You should not reject the fulfillment of your prayer; you should accept my daughter.

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