anviksiki trayi varta
danda-nitis tathaiva ca
evam vyahrtayas casan
pranavo hy asya dahratah
anviksikilogic; trayithe three goals, namely religion, economy and salvation; vartasense gratification; dandalaw and order; nitihmoral codes; tathaas also; eva carespectively; evamthus; vyahrtayahthe celebrated hymns bhuh, bhuvah and svah; caalso; asancame into existence; pranavahthe omkara; hicertainly; asyaof him (Brahma); dahratahfrom the heart.
The science of logical argument, the Vedic goals of life, and also law and order, moral codes, and the celebrated hymns bhuh, bhuvah and svah all became manifested from the mouths of Brahma, and the pranava omkara was manifested from his heart.
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