pura narada-sapena
vrksatam prapitau madat
iti khyatau sriyanvitau
puraformerly; narada-sapenabeing cursed by Narada Muni; vrksatamthe forms of trees; prapitauobtained; madatbecause of madness; nalakuvaraone of them was Nalakuvara; manigrivauthe other was Manigriva; itithus; khyatauwell known; sriya anvitauvery opulent.
In their former birth, these two sons, known as Nalakuvara and Manigriva, were extremely opulent and fortunate. But because of pride and false prestige, they did not care about anyone, and thus Narada Muni cursed them to become trees.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Tenth Canto, Ninth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Krsna.
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