purvavat sthapitam gopair
balibhih sa-paricchadam
vipra hutvarcayam cakrur
purva-vatas the handcart had been situated before; sthapitamagain assembled with the pots situated properly; gopaihby the cowherd men; balibhihall of whom were very strong and stout and who could therefore assemble the parts without difficulty; sa-paricchadamwith all the paraphernalia kept on it; viprahthe brahmanas; hutvaafter performing a fire ceremony; arcayam cakruhperformed ritualistic ceremonies; dadhiwith curd; aksatagrains of rice; kusaand kusa grass; ambubhihwith water.
After the strong, stout cowherd men assembled the pots and paraphernalia on the handcart and set it up as before, the brahmanas performed a ritualistic ceremony with a fire sacrifice to appease the bad planet, and then, with rice grains, kusa, water and curd, they worshiped the Supreme Lord.
The handcart was loaded with heavy utensils and other paraphernalia. To set the cart back in its original position required much strength, but this was easily done by the cowherd men. Then, according to the system of the gopa jati, various Vedic ceremonies were performed to appease the calamitous situation.
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