maghoni varsaty asakrd yamanuja
bhayanakavarta-satakula nadi
margam dadau sindhur iva sriyah pateh
maghoni varsatibecause of Lord Indras showering rain; asakrtconstantly; yama-anujathe River Yamuna, who is considered the younger sister of Yamaraja; gambhira-toya-oghaof the very deep water; javaby the force; urmiby the waves; phenilafull of foam; bhayanakafierce; avarta-sataby the whirling waves; akulaagitated; nadithe river; margamway; dadaugave; sindhuh ivalike the ocean; sriyah patehunto Lord Ramacandra, the husband of the goddess Sita.
Because of constant rain sent by the demigod Indra, the River Yamuna was filled with deep water, foaming about with fiercely whirling waves. But as the great Indian Ocean had formerly given way to Lord Ramacandra by allowing Him to construct a bridge, the River Yamuna gave way to Vasudeva and allowed him to cross.
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