sri-vasudeva uvaca
vidito si bhavan saksat
purusah prakrteh parah
svarupah sarva-buddhi-drk
sri-vasudevah uvacaSri Vasudeva prayed; viditah asinow I am fully conscious of You; bhavanYour Lordship; saksatdirectly; purusahthe Supreme Person; prakrtehto material nature; parahtranscendental, beyond everything material; kevala-anubhava-ananda-svarupahYour form is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha [Bs. 5.1], and whoever perceives You becomes transcendentally blissful; sarva-buddhi-drkthe supreme observer, the Supersoul, the intelligence of everyone.
Vasudeva said: My Lord, You are the Supreme Person, beyond material existence, and You are the Supersoul. Your form can be perceived by transcendental knowledge, by which You can be understood as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I now understand Your position perfectly.
Within Vasudevas heart, affection for his son and knowledge of the Supreme Lords transcendental nature both awakened In the beginning Vasudeva thought, Such a beautiful child has been born, but now Kamsa will come and kill Him. But when he understood that this was not an ordinary child but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he became fearless. Regarding his son as the Supreme Lord, wonderful in everything, he began offering prayers appropriate for the Supreme Lord. Completely free from fear of Kamsas atrocities, he accepted the child simultaneously as an object of affection and as an object of worship by prayers.
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