gavas tato gostham upetya satvaram
hunkara-ghosaih parihuta-sangatan
svakan svakan vatsataran apayayan
muhur lihantyah sravad audhasam payah
gavahthe calves; tatahthereafter; gosthamto the cow sheds; upetyareaching; satvaramvery soon; hunkara-ghosaihby making jubilant mooing sounds; parihuta-sangatanto call the cows; svakan svakanfollowing their respective mothers; vatsataranthe respective calves; apayayanfeeding them; muhuhagain and again; lihantyahlicking the calves; sravat audhasam payahabundant milk flowing from their milk bags.
Thereafter, all the cows entered their different sheds and began mooing loudly, calling for their respective calves. When the calves arrived, the mothers began licking the calves bodies again and again and profusely feeding them with the milk flowing from their milk bags.
All the dealings between the calves and their respective mothers taking care of them were enacted by Krsna Himself.
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