vrndavanam sampravisya
tatra cakrur vrajavasam
sakatair ardha-candravat
vrndavanamthe sacred place by the name Vrndavana; sampravisyaafter entering; sarva-kala-sukha-avahamwhere in all seasons it is pleasing to live; tatrathere; cakruhthey made; vraja-avasaminhabitation of Vraja; sakataihby the bullock carts; ardha-candravatmaking a semicircle like a half moon.
In this way they entered Vrndavana, where it is always pleasing to live in all seasons. They made a temporary place to inhabit by placing their bullock carts around them in the shape of a half moon.
There was no need to make fences all around. One side was already defended by thorn trees, and thus the thorn trees, the bullock carts and the animals encircled the inhabitants in their temporary residence.
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