TEXTS 3132
vrddhan balan striyo rajan
sarvopakaranani ca
anahsv aropya gopala
yatta atta-sarasanah
godhanani puraskrtya
srngany apurya sarvatah
turya-ghosena mahata
yayuh saha-purohitah
vrddhanfirst all the old men; balanchildren; striyahwomen; rajanO King Pariksit; sarva-upakaranani cathen all sorts of necessities and whatever belongings they had; anahsuon the bullock carts; aropyakeeping; gopalahall the cowherd men; yattahwith great care; atta-sara-asanahfully equipped with arrows and bows; go-dhananiall the cows; puraskrtyakeeping in front; srnganibugles or horns; apuryavibrating; sarvatahall around; turya-ghosenawith the resounding of the bugles; mahataloud; yayuhstarted; saha-purohitahwith the priests.
Keeping all the old men, women, children and household paraphernalia on the bullock carts and keeping all the cows in front, the cowherd men picked up their bows and arrows with great care and sounded bugles made of horn. O King Pariksit, in this way, with bugles vibrating all around, the cowherd men, accompanied by their priests, began their journey.
In this connection it is to be noted that although the inhabitants of Gokula were mostly cowherd men and cultivators, they knew how to defend themselves from danger and how to give protection to the women, the old men, the cows and the children, as well as to the brahminical purohitas.
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