ulukhalam vikarsantam
damna baddham ca balakam
kasyedam kuta ascaryam
utpata iti katarah
ulukhalamthe wooden mortar; vikarsantamdragging; damnawith the rope; baddham caand bound by the belly; balakamKrsna; kasyaof whom; idamthis; kutahwherefrom; ascaryamthese wonderful happenings; utpatahdisturbance; itithus; katarahthey were very much agitated.
Krsna was bound by the rope to the ulukhala, the mortar, which He was dragging. But how could He have pulled down the trees? Who had actually done it? Where was the source for this incident? Considering all these astounding things, the cowherd men were doubtful and bewildered.
The cowherd men were very much agitated because the child Krsna, after all, had been standing between the two trees, and if by chance the trees had fallen upon Him, He would have been smashed. But He was standing as He was, and still the things had happened, so who had done all this? How could these events have happened in such a wonderful way? These considerations were some of the reasons they were agitated and bewildered. They thought, however, that by chance Krsna had been saved by God so that nothing had happened to Him.

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