aho devarsir dhanyo 'yam
yatkirtim sarngadhanvanah
gayan madyann idam tantrya
ramayaty aturam jagat
ahoall glory to; devarsihthe sage of the gods; dhanyahall success; ayam yatone who; kirtimglories; sarnga-dhanvanahof the Personality of Godhead; gayansinging; madyantaking pleasure in; idamthis; tantryaby means of the instrument; ramayatienlivens; aturamdistressed; jagatworld.
All glory and success to Srila Narada Muni because he glorifies the activities of the Personality of Godhead, and so doing he himself takes pleasure and also enlivens all the distressed souls of the universe.
Sri Narada Muni plays on his instrument to glorify the transcendental activities of the Lord and to give relief to all miserable living entities of the universe. No one is happy here within the universe, and what is felt as happiness is maya's illusion. The illusory energy of the Lord is so strong that even the hog who lives on filthy stool feels happy. No one can be truly happy within the material world. Srila Narada Muni, in order to enlighten the miserable inhabitants, wanders everywhere. His mission is to get them back home, back to Godhead. That is the mission of all genuine devotees of the Lord following the footsteps of that great sage.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the First Canto, Sixth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled "Conversation Between Narada and Vyasa."
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