susenas carudesnas ca
sambo jambavati-sutah
anye ca karsni-pravarah
saputra rsabhadayah
susenahSusena; carudesnahCarudesna; caand; sambahSamba; jambavati-sutahthe son of Jambavati; anyeothers; caalso; karsnithe sons of Lord Krsna; pravarahall chieftains; sa-putrahalong with their sons; rsabhaRsabha; adayahetc.
Are all the chieftain sons of Lord Krsna, such as Susena, Carudesna, Samba the son of Jambavati, and Rsabha, along with their sons, all doing well?
As already mentioned, Lord Krsna married 16,108 wives, and each of them had ten sons. Therefore 16,108 x 10 161,080 sons. They all grew up, and each of them had as many sons as their father, and the whole aggregate was something near 1,610,800 family members of the Lord. The Lord is the father of all living beings, who are countless in number; therefore only a few of them are called to associate with the Lord in His transcendental pastimes as the Lord of Dvaraka on this earth. It is not astonishing that the Lord maintained a visible family consisting of so many members. It is better to refrain from comparing the Lord's position to ours, and it becomes a simple truth as soon as we understand at least a partial calculation of the Lord's transcendental position. King Yudhisthira, while inquiring about the Lord's sons and grandsons at Dvaraka, mentioned only the chieftains amongst them, for it was impossible for him to remember all the names of the Lord's family members.
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