daivatani rudantiva
svidyanti hy uccalanti ca
ime jana-pada gramah
bhrasta-sriyo niranandah
kim agham darsayanti nah
daivatanithe Deities in the temples; rudantiseem to be crying; ivalike that; svidyantiperspiring; hicertainly; uccalantias if going out; caalso; imethese; jana-padahcities; gramahvillages; puratowns; udyanagardens; akaramines; asramahhermitages, etc.; bhrastadevoid of; sriyahbeauty; niranandahbereft of all happiness; kimwhat sort of; aghamcalamities; darsayantishall manifest; nahto us.
The Deities seem to be crying in the temple, lamenting and perspiring. They seem about to leave. All the cities, villages, towns, gardens, mines and hermitages are now devoid of beauty and bereft of all happiness. I do not know what sort of calamities are now awaiting us.
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