Letter to: Rayarama
Seattle 15 October, 1968 68-10-15
My Dear Rayarama,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your two letters, dated September 30, 1968, and the other one, October 9. I am very sorry I could not reply you earlier, because there are so many letters, and I have to reply them one after another. Anyway,
I have noted with great attention your statement that you are sitting at one desk in a tiny office, room, which is ferociously hot in summer and freezing cold in winter. So people might think you mad if they heard of your crazy work. So spiritual activities are like that. Sometimes my contemporaries from India, they also write that in this age, the age of 73, when people would naturally like to retire, and I am working here. So this is all possible by Grace of Krishna. Krishna can adjust opposing elements. In the material world, yes and no are two opposing elements, but by Krishna's inconceivable power, yes can be no, and no can be yes. That is the law of Krishna. And austerity, Krishna Consciousness, there is some austerity. So we should not be afraid of any condition. Narayana para sarve na kutascana Vivyatithat means,
Your idea of issuing a special issue concerning the Varnasrama dharma, and Gandhi's movement; it is very good idea. And actually India's position is now degraded; it is not advancing. They have lost their original culture, and now they are begging from outside. So actually they have not gained by sacrificing their original culture. Of course, this superficial loss of original culture is visible only to the so-called educated person at the present moment, and they have become befooled as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita: Mayaya Prihatajnana, their knowledge has been taken away.
Regarding your constitution making: don't be very much hasty, immediately, as try to do it slowly. Because your first business is to organize Back To Godhead. And besides that, whatever you do, first of all send me a copy and then distribute.
Regarding my letter heading: Don't complete it now. Because if we get our office in the Church Center of the United Nations, I'll have to make a different body of letterhead. So I shall let you know when everything is complete.
Hoping this meets you in good health,
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. Please send Back To Godhead complimentary copies regularly at the following address.
P.O. Navadvipa, Kolergunge, Dist: Nadia
W. Bengal, India
Hari Krishna Agarwal
PresidentVedanta Centre
Premkutir, Churchgate reclamation
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