Letter to: Atreya Rsi
Delhi 12 December, 1971 71-12-12
My dear Atreya Rsi,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 24, 1971, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. I have not received as yet any recommendation from Rupanuga for initiation of your wife, but as soon as I do I shall be glad to accept her. You are a very good boy, and you are sincerely serving Krishna, so you may know it for certain that very soon all of your anxieties will disappear. I am especially pleased that you are eager to attract the upper class of your society by hosting them in your place you have got near the temple. This is a good proposal. First convince them of our philosophy, then request them very seriously to cooperate with us in spreading this great Krishna Consciousness Movement. If we get their cooperation then our prestige and local standing will be very solid and respectable. So I am very much pleased that you are developing this program of approaching big big businessmen and leaders.
So I think you should stay there in New York and work in this way and help me. My main activity is in the western countries, especially America, and New York is the main city of the world, so why not stay there and develop your program very nicely, in cooperation with Rupanuga. If you have any questions how to do it, you may ask me.
As for Mayapur scheme, this year there was severe flooding, so I am waiting one more season to observe our chances. If there is continual severe flooding, then our plan for Mayapur may have to be altered. But meanwhile go on collecting. I want also that we may have a very nice place in Vrindaban. When I was there the municipality gave us a piece of land, and we have offers of land from other sources, so things look favorable for our branch there. If we get sufficient facilities there, we will revive the spiritual life of Vrindaban, and the whole of India and the world will appreciate and be benefited.
I shall pass on the information you have sent regarding help from Indian government to Gurudasa, who is working here in Delhi with many officials. Now they are engaged in war with Pakistan, the government may not be too willing to help us, but we shall try.
You are a nice devotee, with good business brain and much energy for serving Krishna and thus earning for yourself the Supreme reward. So I want that you shall work nicely with Rupanuga, Karandhara and the other leaders to utilize what Krishna has given you to push on His movement very vigorously. Our philosophy cannot be challenged or defeated by any mundane philosophy ,and on this basis alone we stand substantial and certain of victory over all others. So Krishna has favored you to be one of the leading men, now you just become convinced yourself of this philosophy, and very soberly, with great determination infect the whole world with it. That shall be your success, and by assisting me in this way you shall without any doubt one day reach the Supreme destination, and go back to Home, back to Godhead. I thank you very much for your helping me.
Hope this will meet you and your good wife in strong health and cheerful mood,
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sda
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