Letter to: Rupanuga

10 December, 1971

My dear Rupanuga,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 2, 1971, and it has given me great pleasure to hear such encouraging news from you. Practically speaking, it appears my work in America and the Western countries has been now successful and everything is now going on very nicely there. Because by Krishna's Grace I have got good assistants like yourself, therefore I am successful. Now I have built the skyscraper framework, you fill it in nicely.
I am especially pleased that MacMillan Co. is now very interested to print Bhagavad-gita As It Is. I am also pleased to know that in one bookstore there were 1 doz. of our present Gita. This is very encouraging news. It means that ours is becoming the biggest-selling Gita in U.S.A., because there is not 1 doz. of any other translation stocked anywhere. I very much approve of the $4.95 price, or if you think it is better, $3.95 may also be charged. How many pictures will you include in the paperback edition? Hardback? What about India, will MacMillan versions of my books be available here, and for what price? So far I know, there is a MacMillan Co. office in India, I think in Bombay. If they will print an edition here, that will also be nice. I shall
This program of roving Sankirtana must be executed because it is appropriate for preaching. You may send out advance parties to the cities you propose to visit, with posters, etc., to intimate the people you are coming. Your plan to increase our exposure through the media is very nice and completely approved by me.
Your program of opening only a few more centers, concentrating instead on colleges and other parts of the world is also very nice. In fact, preaching in the schools and colleges is very, very important. Practically you have introduced this college program, in Buffalo. Now you make it perfect by infiltrating every school-college in your country, and give them pure Krishna philosophy, the highest knowledge. This is a great proposal for distributing our books, literature and philosophy.
I am very, very glad that you are planning your three-day festival in Central Park next summer. That will be especially triumphant celebration for me, because only five years back I was sitting alone under a tree in your park thinking that perhaps no one will join me, but let me try. Now I have got so many wonderful sons and daughters, that we require huge arrangement for chanting in the park, with many tents, kitchens, etc. Your plan is very nice. Our Delhi pandal was also very much well-received by everyone. From early morning, 6 am, to late at night, sometimes past midnight, thousands of persons came there to see and listen. One very popular feature was our "Question and Answer booth,'' wherein one of our elderly devotees would sit on a very high vyasasana and answer questions put by the visitors. This item became so controversial and popular that it was open at least until midnight daily to accommodate all the curious public. Everyone delights in lively debates and discussions of philosophy. Also there were many booths showing photo-displays of our worldwide activities and one exhibit of a large model of our Mayapur scheme. These things may also be included in your New York festival.
I am happy to hear that so many guests are attending your temple. Actually, that is the same story everywhere. So I have become convinced that our Krishna Consciousness Movement is finally having some effect on the world, and I am very satisfied with the work of my sincere disciples for assisting Lord Caitanya in this way. Actually, He has said that this KC Movement will spread to every nook and corner of the worldso there is no doubt it will happen. He is God, so how can He be wrong? So it will happen. So if we are intelligent we will assist and get the credit. Otherwise, someone else will.
I gladly consent to accept Surita and Paul Darling as my duly initiated disciples, as recommended by you. Their beads and 1 copy of Gayatri mantra plus one sacred thread, also duly chanted, are sent under separate post. Hold a fire yajna for all three. One thing, the Gayatri tape must be heard through earphones into the right ear. Their names shall be: Surita/ Sunita Dasi/ and Paul/Apurva Das.
Hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/delhi/december/10/1971/rupanuga

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